Evolution of VCIs in the Oil & Gas Industry

Gautam Ramdas, VP of Global Market Development for Zerust Integrity Solutions, Shares Evolution of VCIs for Corrosion Protection
Gautam Ramdas, VP of Global Market Development at Zerust Integrity Solutions
Business View Magazine Interview with Gautam Ramdas, VP of Global Market Development for Zerust Integrity Solutions
Gautam Ramdas, the VP of Global Market Development for Zerust Integrity Solutions, was recently interviewed by Business View Magazine. The editorial highlights Ramdas’ impressive experience working with Fortune 500 companies and the history and success of Zerust Integrity Solutions.
In the editorial, Ramdas explains the evolution of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) for corrosion management, how they work, and how Zerust products effectively use them for many applications to provide corrosion protection.
Zerust Integrity Solutions is a world leader in protecting bare metals from corrosion using Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs). Zerust VCIs have been effectively and safely used to protect valuable parts and equipment for more than 35 years.
View the editorial in Business View Magazine, click image below.