Zerust Integrity Solutions Achievement Timeline
NTIC, the parent company of Zerust Integrity Solutions, was founded in 1970 in Lino Lakes, Minnesota. Then known as Northern Instruments, Inc.
In 1993, Northern Instruments changed its corporate name by merging into a wholly owned subsidiary, Northern Technologies International Corporation (NTIC).
Synergism in Corrosion Protection Systems With Inhibitors
Author(s): E. Ya. Lyublinski
Creation and Application of Volatile Inhibitors
Author(s): D.A. Kubik and E. Ya. Lyublinski
New Corrosion Protection Methods for Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures
Author(s): Prof. Efim Ya. Lyublinski, Dr. Donald A. Kubik, Eng. Ronnie A. Singh
Efficiency of Combined Corrosion Protection Methods Including VCI
Author(s): Prof. Efim Ya. Lyublinski, Dr. Donald A. Kubik
Cost and Other Benefits of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) Compared to Legacy Packaging Methods That Prevail in Military Applications
Author(s): James Henderson, and Ronnie Singh
NASDAQ Closing Bell Ceremony for NTIC
Winner of the MP Readers’ Choice NACE Corrosion Innovation of the Year award for Zerust Flange Saver®
Recipient(s): Efim Lyublinski, Northern Technologies International Corp. -Beachwood, Ohio, U.S.A.; Marcelo Schultz, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A (Petrobras) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Ronnie Singh, Zerust Corrosion Prevention SA - Sorocaba, Brazil; Keiji Uemura, Zerust-NIC (Taiwan) Corp. - Taipei, Taiwan
Winner of the MP Readers’ Choice NACE Corrosion Innovation of the Year Award for Zerust ReCAST-R™
Recipient(s): Efim Lyublinski, Northern Technologies International Corp. - Beachwood, Ohio, U.S.A.; Marcelo Schultz, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. (Petrobras) - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ; Ronnie Singh, Zerust Corrosion Prevention SA - Sorocaba, Brazil
Corrosion Protection of Tank Product Side Bottoms
Author(s): E. Ya. Lyublinski, Yu. I. Kuznetsov, Marcelo Schultz, and Yefim Vaks
Awarded EVOLEN’s Innovation Award for the energy, oil and gas related industries for Zerust® Inhibitor Fusion (ZIF) Tape
Methodologies to Evaluate Compatibility Between Cathodic Protection and Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors for Tank Bottom Applications
Author(s): Sujay Math (Zerust Integrity Solutions) | Pavan K. Shukla (Southwest Research Institute)
Application of Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor to Prevent Internal Corrosion in Pipelines
Author(s): Leigh Gendron (Enbridge Pipelines) | Kelly Baker (Zerust Integrity Solutions) | Terry Natale (Zerust Integrity Solutions)
Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection System Performance in the Presence of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors for Aboveground Storage Tank Application
Author(s): Sujay Math (Zerust Integrity Solutions) | Pavan K. Shukla (Savannah River National Laboratory)
Investigations on Cathodic Protection Current Diversion to Carrier Pipe With VCI Gel Annulus Fill in Cased Pipelines
Author(s): Sujay Math (Zerust Integrity Solutions) | Pavan K. Shukla (Savannah River National Laboratory)
50th Anniversary of NTIC
Oxygen Evolution from the MMO Anode Cathodic Protection System and its Effect on the Corrosion of the Soil-Side Bottom Plate of an Above Ground Storage Tank
Author(s): Sujay Math (Zerust Integrity Solutions) | Pavan K. Shukla (Savannah River National Laboratory) | Terry Natale (Zerust Integrity Solutions)