Storage Tank Roof Protection
The Problem
• Destroyed internal surfaces and support structures of storage tank roofs above the product layer from oils that contain sulphur emitting corrosive vapors.
• Unsafe operating conditions and environmental problems caused by aggressive pitting and crevice corrosion that create holes in the tank tops.
• Internal tank coatings are ineffective in preventing dangerous pitting and crevice corrosion, especially in the spaces between the roof and support structures.
• Stoppage of tank operations and necessitating periodic roof replacements impact petrochemical facilities causing capital losses and increased intangible costs.
The Solution
- Zerust ReCAST-R is the solution for this problem. The Zerust ReCAST-R system can be installed & deployed in aggressive operational internally corrosion environments.
- Dispensers attached to the tank roof deliver VCIs automatically into the tank vapor space forming a protective barrier layer.
- The barrier layer isolates the corrosive environment from the metallic surfaces that contact the vapor space.
- Proven to be effective in the unique and unpredictable internal environment resulting from vast variations in the:
- Properties of the stored product
- Ambient temperature ranges
- Temperature of the stored product
- Method of construction & design of the tank
- Tank operational parameters
- Compatible with many additional systems that might be in place including: scrubbers, nitrogen blankets and vent systems.

Product Use
- All metallic surfaces contacting vapor space within the tank roof can be protected.
- Side wall sections of the tank above the level of the stored product and support structures.
- Both new and old tanks. Even if corrosion has started, the solution, once deployed, inhibits further corrosion.
- In operational tanks. The inhibitor does not contaminate the stored crude oil products.
Solution Effectiveness
Operating Environment Inside the ASTs
ReCAST-R Benefits
- Extend Tank Service Life.
- Protect Exposed Vapor Space Surfaces from Corrosion.
- Reduce Maintenance Costs.
- Reduce Stored Product Losses & Contamination. Eliminate the Need to Replace Carbon.
- Steel with Expensive Alternatives.
- Dispense Corrosion Protection Automatically. Reduce Environmental Contamination.
- Prevent Acid Gas Corrosion in Vapor.
- Spaces of Aboveground Storage Tanks.
Duration of Protection
- The Zerust® solution dramatically reduces the rate of corrosion by 4 to 5 times.
- The expected life of the roof is increased from about 5-7 years to more than 25 years.
Product Properties
- Steel Cylinder Dispenser VCI liquid
Safety and Handling
- Avoid contact with eyes and skin through use of safety glasses and gloves.
- Use a full face respirator with organic cartridges, protective clothing and gloves
- See MSDS for more information.