Zerios WES



Zerios WES Temporary Coating (Zerios WES) can be used as a temporary, stand alone, coating to “hold” metallic elements until construction or re-entry to service commences. Zerios WES is suited to most non-immersion environments such as drill platform decking, structural steel, architectural elements, idle tooling, tank and pipe.

Recommended Product Applications

Recommended applications for Zerios WES includes, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Drill platform decking
  • Structural steel
  • Architectural elements
  • Idle tooling
  • Tank and pipe exteriors and more.


Application Guidelines

Best applied by airless spray, Zerios WES, may also be applied by brush, roller or conventional spray. Reduction is not recommended, however, water may be used in very small amounts (<10%).

Environmental Restrictions

Substrate temperature 60°- 95° F., RH < 81%, Dew Point > 5° F. above substrate.


Product Description

A fast-drying alkyd, thinned with water and designed for coating prepared metal. Low volatile organic content (VOC) and corrosion resistance make this product ideal for structural steel in preparation for top coat or as a short-term preservation method during lay-up or delayed construction.


Safety and Handling

Always provide adequate ventilation and use appropriate organic vapor masks. Soap and water clean-up.


Physical Properties



Zerios WES is available in 1 gallon pails. Special sizes available upon request.


Keep from freezing. Shelf life, 6 months unopened at 77°F.

Part No. 350-X-00023