Pipeline Preservation for Two Buried Pipelines Post-Hydrotesting using Zerust Corrosion Inhibitor Solution
Pipeline Preservation for Two Buried Pipelines Post-Hydrotesting using Zerust Corrosion Inhibitor Solution
Project Specifics
Installation Dates
October 2023
Environmental Conditions
53.60, 60% humidity, rain with some sun
Vessel Construction
Spread “A”: 36” diameter, 25.99 km length
Spread “B”: 36” diameter, 9.295 km length
Vessel Details
Each pipeline was hydrotested and then drained and dried prior to corrosion inhibitor application.
Pipeline Product(s)
None currently.
Zerust Product(s) Used
Zerion® FVS Corrosion Inhibitor Powder
Zerion® FAN-5
Project Overview
Zerust Integrity Solutions has secured a project involving the application of a corrosion inhibitor solution following the hydrotesting of two (2) spreads. This corrosion inhibitor solution is a blend of Zerion FVS and FAN-5. The client has requested our on-site presence for supervision and to gather samples for inhibitor testing.
Spread A and Spread B pipelines, buried approximately 40 feet deep, were assumed to contain minimal residual water. The collected solution was estimated as it entered the frac tank. 3.5 cubic meters of FVS/FAN-5 solution were injected between two pigs, with noticeable VCI vapors from the frac tank. Samples were collected and sent to Zerust’s Ohio lab for further testing.
The installation proceeded as planned, and launchers and receivers will shift to the remaining 4.2 km of pipes for hydrotesting. The VCI injection is scheduled for 3-4 weeks from now, and no process changes are advised for the subsequent pipes.
For More Information
Contact a Zerust Integrity Solutions representative regarding any questions about this report.